offers RESOURCES for residents and visitors.
All 40 communities of the Monadnock Region.

Daily Articles
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Enjoy our News Pages aggregates news and information from various sources. We offer news about The World, The Nation, The State, The Monadnock Region, and Keene, New Hampshire. Other news categories include Community, Education, Entertaiment, Finance, Health and Fitness, Obituaries, Sports, Middle East, Movies, Music, Politics, Science, Technology, and more Helpful Resources including Business, Arts, Books, Family Topics, Fashion, Food, Home and Garden, Parenting, Recipes, Travel, and TV. Click Links at left.

Resources for every community
Alstead, Antrim, Bennington, Chesterfield, Deering, Dublin, Fitzwilliam, Francestown, Gilsum, Greenfield, Greenville, Hancock, Harrisville, Hillsborough, Hinsdale, Jaffrey, Keene, Lyndeborough, Marlborough, Marlow, Mason, Milford, Nelson, New Ipswich, Peterborough, Richmond, Rindge, Roxbury, Sharon, Stoddard, Sullivan, Surry, Swanzey, Temple, Troy, Walpole, Westmoreland, Wilton, Winchester, and Windsor. Each community page has a self-starting slide show with town images, present and past.
Monadnock Tour
Take a tour of the Monadnock Region. If you start at Fitzwilliam and drive continuously (impossible of course) you will travel just under 270 miles in about 7 1/2 hrs.
Monadnock Region Attractions

Mount Monadnock
The Monadnock Region has local or short driving distance access to many attractions in addition to the obvious incredible sightseeing of Mount Monadnock and the many picturesque lakes and streams.
Visit Amusement Parks, Animal Parks, Talented Artists presenting works at Art Galleries, Aviation, Biking and Hiking, Covered Bridges, Fairs, Flea Markets, Golf Courses and Mini-Golf, Horseshoes, Lakes and Ponds, Libraries, Malls and Shopping Centers, Movies and Live Theater, Museums, Music, Parks, Religious Sanctuaries, Restaurants both local and national chains, Skiing, Skydiving, Tennis, Visitors Centers, Whitewater Rafting, and Wineries. For details on area attractions, click here.
Monadnock Life
Life in the region is amazing with a combination of NATURE and TECHNOLOGY. View our guide to Churches. Explore your favorite Club or Organization. Research Business Services. Read about Monadnock Region Jobs.
Enjoy our Photo Galleries
Monadnock photos abound on this site with snapshots of the mountain itself, photos of communities in the region, archived photos of the Keene Pumpkin Festival, archived photos of the famous Jaffrey Festival of Fireworks, and archived photos of the beautiful state of New Hampshire. Visit our Photo Galleries.
Enjoy our Services
We’ve built in easy access to Movies in the theaters and on video. We’ve made it easy for you to find out what’s for sale on Craigslist, who’s having a yard sale, or who has the car you’ve been looking for. You can easily browse for your next pet with our Petfinder interface. We’ve found some Real Estate sites so you can easily browse for a home. We’ve built in official town websites so you can easily find events posted by each muncipality along with getting the information and forms you need to conduct your business in the Monadnock Region. Contact Us here.

Monadnock Region Communities
The Monadnock Region of New Hampshire includes Keene NH and 40 Monadnock Region Towns! Total Population 131,400 (2010 Census) Click Pie for large view. View our Statistics page.
Ups and Downs

Chesterfield NH
The towns of the Monadnock Region vary considerably in elevation, even within each community. The chart below diagrams the average elevation in each community in blue with the highest elevation in red. Notable peaks are named. View our Statistics page.
Be Informed

Bell Tower Cathedral of the Pines provides a complete news section with news items aggregated fresh every hour or sooner. Keep on top of World, National, State, Regional, or Local news.
Advertise With Us

Jaffrey NH Festival of Fireworks Archives is published by WebTech Online and advertising space is available in the form of 234×120 banners at a very reasonable $150 monthly. Just call our Keene number at 283-7514 or Jaffrey number at 593-3316 to get started. was founded in 2000 and has served millions of pageviews since that time. Visit our About Us page.

Downtown Keene NH

Temple Glass Factory – Temple NH
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